Year 12 

AIT General

Design concepts

When designing quality solutions, it is necessary to consider the intended audience and use the appropriate elements of design and the principles of design. Students develop strategies for applying digital technologies in creative and original ways for different purposes. 

Managing Data

Students acquire an understanding of how to source, organise, process, transform, store and manage a range of digital data types. They apply efficient search strategies for research purposes. An understanding of security and statutory requirements in relation to information processing and management is developed.


Students develop an understanding of common computer hardware system components, their compatibility and connectivity. Functions, such as processing, input, output, memory/storage and communication are considered. Students use appropriate terminology, technical references/manuals, help procedures and other support facilities.


The components of a network, including the communication media used to connect them, are examined. Content includes the types, purpose and use of protocols, servers, operating systems in communications and network security.

Impacts of Technology

The rights of individuals, groups and communities regarding privacy, including responsibility for the access, availability and security of information and their potential misuse, are explored. Students examine the role of relevant government and regulatory bodies in protecting these rights.

Application Skills

Students learn, select and apply appropriate software application skills in the development of digital solutions. Students need to be aware of the purpose and desired output in order to integrate the various applications and associated skills.

Project Management

Students use problem-solving skills to develop digital solutions that meet client needs. Individuals use project management skills to produce digital solutions according to a design brief.

Useful Documents

Grade Descriptions can be found here

Glossary here

EST content for 2025 here

Breakdown of topics here