Year 9

Digital Technologies

Semester 1

Week 1 - Recognise Intellectual Property

Introduction to course and assessment outline

Recognise Intellectual Property 


Visit and learn to touch type, click on the link below and sign in with your school email. 

Week 2 - Cyber Sleuthing

Apply Digital Information Security Practices


Week 3 - Cyber Sleuthing

Apply Digital Information Security Practices


Week 4 - Cyber Sleuthing

Apply Digital Information Security Practices


Week 5 - Cyber Sleuthing

Apply Digital Information Security Practices


Week 6 - Passwords

Apply Personal  Security Practices


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 7 - Data Timeline

Apply Personal  Security Practices


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 8 - I.P. Tracking

Apply Personal  Security Practices


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 9 - Cookies

Apply Personal Security Practices


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 10 - Phishing

Apply Personal  Security Practices


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 11 - Identify the impacts of ICT in society in past

Identify the impacts of ICT in society 1


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 12 - Identify the impacts of ICT in society in future

Identify the impacts of ICT in society in future


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 13 - Identify the impacts of ICT in society AI

Identify the impacts of ICT in Society - Artificial Intelligence


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 14 - Artificial Intelligence Continued

Presentation here

Week 15 - Artificial Intelligence Continued

To be added


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 16 - Artificial Intelligence Continued

To be added


Practice your touch typing skills at remember to log in with the Microsoft icon. 

Week 17 - Digital Careers

Identify the impacts of ICT in society 4

Week 18 - What is a browser?

Define and Plan Information Searches

Week 19 - Interesting Websites 

Define and Plan Information Searches

Semester 2

Week 1 -  Big Data

Locate Generate and Access Data and Information

Week 2 - Big Data

Locate Generate and Access Data and Information

Week 3 - Dig Data


Week 4 - Fake news

Select and Evaluate Data and Information 

Week 5 - Deep Fake 

 Select and Evaluate Data and Information 

Week 6 - Interactive

Generate Ideas Plans and Resources

Week 7 - Interactive

Generate Ideas Plans and Resources

Week 8 - Interactive 

Generate Ideas Plans and Resources

Week 9 - Interactive

Generate Ideas Plans and Resources

Week 10 - Collaboration

Collaboration, Share and Exchange

Week 11 - Understand Computer Mediate Communications

Understand Computer Mediate Communications 

Week 12  - Understand Computer Mediate Communications

Understand Computer Mediate Communications

Continue with Tee house challenge

Week 13 - Understand Computer Mediate Communications

Treehouse challenge

Week 14 - Understand ICT Systems

Understand ICT Systems presentation here

Click view video worksheet here

Week 15 - Select and use Hardware and Software

Select and Use Hardware and Software presentation here

Worksheet to complete after viewing the presentation here

Week 16 - Managing Digital Data

Managing Digital Data presentation here

Complete the final end of topic test 

Week 17 - Minecraft challenge

Minecraft challenge

Week 18 - Minecraft challenge

Minecraft challenge

Week 19 - Minecraft challenge

Minecraft challenge