Year 9 and Year 10
Game Design
Week 1 - Introduction to Game Design
Learning Objectives
Understand what is a game is
Core concepts of games
Lesson 1
Introduction to course
Class rules
Students expectations
View the presentation with your teacher What is a game? presentation can be found here
Lesson 2
Complete the worksheet here
Create a presentation of your favourite games to play. Each game should have information on what the game is called, what genre it belongs to and what console it can be played on. Please limit to 5 games.
Week 2 - The Computer System
Learning Objectives
List hardware in computer systems
List software in computer systems
Understand that hardware and software must work together.
List different devices used to play games on
Lesson 1
Listen to your teacher introduce the topic
Complete the worksheet here you only need to complete hardware section this lesson.
Lesson 2
Listen to your teacher introduce the topic
Complete the worksheet from last lesson.
Week 3 - The game mechanics.
Learning Objectives
Identify and analyse core game mechanics.
Understand the relationship between mechanics and player experience.
Explore the concept of game feel and how it is achieved.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Continue the presentation from last lesson
Complete the second worksheet here
Week 4 +5 - Gamecode in Minecraft
Learning Objectives
Understand how Minecraft can code
Understand that coding is important in game development
Follow on screen tutorial environment successfully
Lesson 1
Lesson 2 + 3 + 4
Continue the activities from the previous class.
Week 6 - Design a game
Learning Objectives
How to go about designing a game
What is involved?
Where to start?
Lesson 1
View the presentation with your teacher
Complete the worksheet here